Author Topic: Been a long time Martin I like Taylor just as much, maybe more.  (Read 4231 times)


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Re: Been a long time Martin I like Taylor just as much, maybe more.
« Reply #15 on: October 25, 2014, 10:58:52 AM »
Gotta agree with you, Rod.  When I first got established in my career and saved enough, I went for a 40 series custom shop Martin in 1990.  It has had numerous problems over the years, with Martin sorta and reluctantly standing by their lifetime warranty.  All issues are finally fixed now.  Raised on Martin as the "holy grail" of acoustic guitars (had four at one time) I have now been totally converted and only one now remains.  Unfortunately the CF Martin Company of old is nowhere to be found anymore, and it's just not the same.  They seem to be living off their legacy, IMO.

My experiences with Taylor have been the opposite - not really needing warranty support, getting prompt and cheerful answers to questions, etc.  This why I have multiple Taylor guitars, and a warm fuzzy feeling about their quality and support.

As my tastes in tone have matured, I grew to prefer the crisper and more articulate Taylor tone over than the "boomy" Martin tone.  Each has their place, but for my playing and tastes, Taylor wins.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2014, 12:15:38 PM by Earl »
Taylors:  424-LTD (all koa) and a 114ce that lives with friends in Alaska.  Low maintenance carbon fiber guitars are my "thing" these days, but I will always keep the koa 424.  Several ukulele and bass guitars too. 
*Gone but not forgotten:  a 2001 414ce, 410, 354-LTD twelve string, 314-N, 416-LTD baritone, T5 Classic, 615ce, 2006 GS-K, 1996 (first year) Baby