I'm a Taylor Guy, like to finger pick, and love my Taylors. If you want to hear me play, I have a few things on youtube. My user ID is "grahamd4261". I'm actually playing my Gibson in the videos, but in my defense, I had just gotten it and was trying to break the old girl in. It's a nice sounding guitar, but I bought it more as a piece of art than to play. Say what you want, but Gibson does know how to build them pretty. I used 2 Apogee jams, an Ipad with Garage band, and an Iphone to record the videos. it went guitar, a jam into the ipad (garage band), then an 8th inch cord out of ipad and a 1/4 in. adapter on other end into another Jam into the iphone. Yes, I had wires running everywhere, but the sound and video quality came out ok. As for my playing...I guess I'm not bad, but I wish I was better. Looking forward to joining in the conversations here.