Author Topic: es question  (Read 961 times)


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es question
« on: January 04, 2013, 11:56:12 PM »
I finally bought an acoustic amp a couple of weeks ago, a Peavey ecoustic 30 amp . My guitar's a 2012 410ce and when I switch the pickup switch on the es system I can hear no difference at all. Is it just my ears or do I have a problem???
Taylor 410ce  (2012)
Epiphone 'Roy Orbison' 12 string
Eastman AC412 om
Eastman AR503ce


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Re: es question
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2013, 03:43:47 AM »
I can't really tell the difference with mine with the body sensor on or off either (I had to read the instructions to remember which switch position was on when I first started playing with it) - possibly there is a little more "presence"with it on.  I also don't notice a difference in feedback resistance either (it's very good either way) so I just leave the body sensor on all the time now.
2001 Taylor 712ce (with 2016 ES2 retrofit)
2011 Taylor 812ce
2018 Taylor 514ce V class


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Re: es question
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2013, 02:06:30 PM »
Hi bandit,

Through an acoustic amp at bedroom levels, it may be difficult to tell the difference between wiith and w/o the sensor.  The soundboard sensor picks up (for lack of a better word) the "thumpiness" of the wood, and that wood's specific timrbral nuances, then gets summed with the under-fingerboard mag pup.  With the volume low, particualrly through a modest amp, those nuances may be "overlooked" and not amplified such that you can readily perceive the differences.   But through a house PA or at typical stage volume, rest assured the tonal difference is there.  Also, both these pups are in series, so if both are "on" and you have sound, they are working.

BTW, the only reason to shut the body sensor off is if experiencing feedback from a really loud stage setup.  FWIW, I've had floor wedges blaring up at me and still never had any of my ES-guitars feedback; it's a really great system IMHO.  So barring any arena gigs you may be scheduled for, I'd just leave that switch on and enjoy the guit :)
