I just bought my 2013 514e-FLTD yesterday and I have to agree with everything that Glen said about this guitar. I asked the dealer to hold it for me when they received it and I got the call yesterday. I took my 516ce (cedar top) and 614ce-L7 in for comparison. To be honest, I wasn't expecting it to sound different enough from the 516ce to justify the purchase. I was wrong. It has a unique sound and clarity that amazes me. Each string seems to stand out on its own and bass response is much better than I would have expected from a Grand Auditorium. I've always thought that the 516ce is a great sounding guitar and it is the one I tend to grab first when playing. Compared to the 514e-FLTD, the 516ce sounds kind of muddy (which is not how I would normally describe the 516ce sound). I suspect that the Adirondack bracing and European spruce top contribute significantly to it's sound. The non-cutaway body is probably also a factor. I should mention that the guitar has a very large dynamic range. It handles really light fingerpicking to very aggressive strumming. I still can't believe it, but it is louder than the 516ce when strumming forcefully.
The new expression system sounds incredible. I don't know how to describe it in words but, based on what I've heard so far, I'll be surprised if Taylor doesn't start offering this in all of their guitars in the near future. I've compared it to my other guitars, and there just is no comparison. The new Expression System is much, much better sounding than the previous design.
BTW, I'm new to the group, but have been reading posts for the last year or so. If anyone is interested, I'll post pictures of the 514e-FLTD later tonight or tomorrow.