Hi people

I am a newbie - you'll find my presentation in the dedicated section...
I am currently in the search for a 12 string - i do currently have a Martin D12-28, but i do not like the neck, albeit if the sound is good for me...
I want to replace it with a Taylor and their incredible necks, but i am in a dilemma :
I tried the 356ce, felt in love with the neck, but not with the sound - I prefer rosewood i guess, that's why i choose the Martin.
So i want now to get a taylor in rosewood, and i have at least 3 choices : 856, 756 and the new 456 FLTD...
As it is difficult for me to try them (very poor music stores in paris, especially for 12's...), i wondered if, as they share the same tone woods, those guitars have similar sounds ?
I play essentially for myself, simple stuff like Neil Young or Bob Dylan, classics in fact

Do you have any objective, or/and subjective criterias for my future choice ? And did someone tried the trees and can inform me on the respective soundings ?
The budget is not a real criteria (but i am not again paying less

), as it is a guitar i want to buy for pleasure and for a long time...
Thanks a lot and regards,