I don't think you can make a general statement either way. it is less about guitar body size than the neck width, scale length, and string spacing back at the bridge. It also depends on the size of your arms, hands, and fingers. Most finger style players prefer a 1-3/4" neck width, and wider string spacing at the bridge to leave more room for the picking fingers. However, plenty of really good finger style players deviate from these parameters. If you a smaller person or have short arms, you might find it more comfortable to reach around a OO size body than the slightly wider OOO size. Smaller bodies will sit lower on the leg, effectively making the centerline of the guitar seem lower and (probably) feel more comfortable. Sound factors into the equation too, as both bodies will have a different characteristic sound. Having a great set up will also make a big difference in comfort level, maybe as much or more than some of the neck / scale dimensions.
Having said all of that I am primarily a finger style player, with some rhythm strumming on the side, and almost all of my guitars these days are OOO sized. While I started on a dreadnought with 1-11/16" neck years ago, my aging right shoulder now prefers the smaller body sizes and I have grown to prefer wider 1-3/4" neck widths. The best scale length is more a function of comfort for YOUR hands and your reach. My 54 year old hands are starting to get arthritic and prefer shorter scale lengths now too, so i have some long term interest in 24.9" or even a bit less.